BNLD Promotional Publication Ивана Велкова / Thursday, October 27, 2022 / Categories: News, BNLD, Western Balkans It’s time for a little self-promotion. The Balkan Network for Local Democracy team has released a promotional publication to promote Western Balkan activities. The purpose of this document is to detail what the Balkan Network for Local Democracy is, how it came to be, what entities it is made up of, and its purpose, as well as including helpful links to the various members’ important sites and many pictures. This document is divided into multiple sections that together paint a picture about the Balkan Network for Local Democracy and the contexts surrounding it. The introduction begins with the origin of the first local democracy agencies and BNLD, and then goes into detail about the purpose, mission, functions, and past work of BNLD. Most of the publication after that is dedicated to various individual passages with links which go into an extensive amount of detail about all the individual LDAs that function in the Western Balkans as part of BNLD, and other partners such as the European Association for Local Democracy, ALDA. The breakdowns for the LDAs and ALDA also include various projects that they have facilitated. Every individual passage includes links for the important sites of the partners and projects detailed. We hope that by the end of this publication, you can understand what the Balkan Network for Local Democracy is and what kind of work we do in the Western Balkans region. The publication is available to download below in all local languages. Print Tags Local economic development European integration Citizens participation Youth policies Volunteering Social policies Human rights youth Tourism Coordination CSOs Rule of Law Civil Society Awareness Cooperation Good Governance Civic Initiatives Capacity Building Grassroots westernbalkan #regionalcshub #BNLD #BalkanNetworkForLocalDemocracy #activecitizenship #YouthEngagement #education #awarenessraising #civicactivism Western Balkans public advocacy Documents to download BNLD_Our_Story_MKD (.pdf, 12.62 MB) - 458 download(s) BNLD_Our_Story_ALB (.pdf, 12.62 MB) - 450 download(s) BNLD_Our_Story_BHS (.pdf, 12.61 MB) - 449 download(s) BNLD_Our_Story_ENG (.pdf, 12.62 MB) - 485 download(s)