SNET.EU - Coffee House meetings In order to help build horizontal links between municipalities and to encourage the further direct communication between them, the proposed action envisaged a series of twelve one day study visits including one official meeting called Coffee house. The programme of this event consists of introductory notes by the host local governments’ official representatives, welcome by Twinning advisers facilitation the meeting, presentation of local issues presented by the key speaker (local expert) presentation of Twinning capacity – challenges and perspectives and the time for discussion. Event includes one thematic session and discussion on selected specific local development topics. Coffee house presentation, working sessions and discussions were important follow-up for further dissemination and sustainable cross border networking tool. The activity was part of IPA Cross-border cooperation programme Croatia – Serbia project – Support for Networking and Twinning on European level SNET.EU. Download the detailed toolkit below. Print Documents to download Local Democracy toolbox form LDASU-SNET.EU Coffee House meetings (.pdf, 160.32 KB) - 344 download(s)