Conclusions of BNLD Best Practice Fair Ивана Велкова / Wednesday, September 22, 2021 / Categories: News, BNLD, BNLD Projects, Western Balkans In the aftermath of the BNLD Best Practice Fair we asked our participants so summarize the event and to offer their conclusions and recommendations in the shortest way possible - in five words. Some of them succeed it some of them did not, nevertheless we share with you all of the feedback we got from the online and psychical participants. To summarize a few: • Openness + transparency + participation + action = great quality of life of the local community • Active youth is important. • Institutions are a citizen service. To read the short report download the document below. Print Documents to download Regional BNLD Best Practice Fair in Skopje Short Report (.pdf, 3.07 MB) - 1467 download(s)