Participation in Policy/ Decision-Making Processes In the Western Balkans Challenges and Perspectives Ивана Велкова / Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / Categories: Local Democracy hub, Resource hub Year of publication: 2021 Authors: Gordana Nestorovska, Memet Memeti Available in following language: English, Albanian, Macedonian, Serbian The fundamental principle of democracy is the involvement and participation of all segments of the local community in policymaking and its implementation. The importance of citizen participation in the policymaking process is emphasized in many international1 documents, while in the WB countries, there is also a range of legal documents stipulating and regulating the mechanism of participation. The comparative overview of the national legislation exemplifies that: Laws for Local Self-Government, the Law on Budget, Laws on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, the Electoral Codes, as well as many Strategic documents at the national and local level call for citizens’ involvement and their active participation in policy development and implementation of respective strategic goals. Print Documents to download CSOs Research 3 ENG (.pdf, 19.11 MB) - 740 download(s) CSOs Research 3 ALB (.pdf, 18.64 MB) - 714 download(s) CSOs Research 3 MK (.pdf, 21.58 MB) - 772 download(s) CSOs Research 3 SRB (.pdf, 17.38 MB) - 712 download(s)